
CarFest's "Do More Good Week": A Celebration of Charity and Community

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This week marks “Do More Good Week,” organised by CarFest. Since its inception in 2012 by Chris Evans, CarFest has been a festival of music, laughter, and joy, providing significant support to those in need. Now, 12 years into its journey, the festival's mission—to make a significant difference in the lives of the less fortunate—remains its driving force.

The impact of CarFest over the past decade is nothing short of monumental. Thanks to the support and generosity of its attendees, the festival has successfully raised over £25 million for a host of deserving charities. This staggering figure stands as a testament to the collective power of community and goodwill.

Do More Good Week” is a special initiative within CarFest aimed at casting a spotlight on the charities that benefit from the festival. This initiative offers all attendees an opportunity to gain deeper insights into the missions, impacts, and heartwarming stories of the ambassadors affected by these charities. It's a week dedicated to understanding the profound difference each contribution makes, reinforcing the importance of every individual’s participation in the festival.

In essence, CarFest is more than just a festival; it's a movement. A movement that celebrates life and the capacity to effect positive change in the world. As CarFest continues to grow, so too does its impact. Together, let's cherish this week and the festival itself, as we look forward to making even more meaningful contributions to the world around us.

Together, we can and will #DoMoreGood.